Woof ‘n Rose Winery: A Trailblazer in Ramona’s Wine Scene

Where Wine and Canine Love Flourish in Ramona

Marilyn and Steve Kahle, owners and winemaker (Steve) for Woof ‘n Rose Winery in Ramona came to San Diego from Wichita Kansas in 1987 after being transferred by Steve’s company. They purchased a property on five acres in Ramona, a small town east of San Diego.

Marilyn Kahle toasting to a great harvest

“Our wine journey began as a landscaping project in 1995. With five acres of property which was essentially burnable brush, we decided to clear a small portion of our property and plant a few grapes to see if they would grow and if it would be something we would enjoy. The grapes grew and we did seem to enjoy it, so we planted more grapes, eventually planting a total of nine varietals,” Marilyn Kahle said. 

Harvest at Woof ‘n Rose Winery Vineyards

“Steve has not officially been trained in winemaking; however, he is an engineer by trade (there are several of the winemakers in Ramona who are also engineers) and engineers seem to have the math and chemistry training to make them good winemakers.  Engineers are also very precise which also lends itself to making good wine.  Winemaking requires precision.  It is not like cooking where an extra little something could make it wonderful.  Incorrect calculations in winemaking can be disastrous. He was mentored by some of the early Ramona Valley winemakers,” Marilyn said.

Steven Kahle starting fermentation from the early morning harvest

“While we have been growers since 1995, we became a winery in 2007.  As to selections of grape varietals,  I am particularly fond of Bordeaux blends, so we grow all six of the common Bordeaux varietals; Merlot, was the first to be planted in 1995, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Petit Verdot, and Carmenere followed.  In addition to those six, we also grow Montepulciano, Grenache Noir, & Alicante Bouschet.  Cabernet Franc was a classic blending varietal, but we were seeing many very nice single varietal versions coming online so it was a natural next choice.  We found excellent Grenache up in Paso Robles with direct genetic links to France and found the Alicante Bouchet to be an excellent choice for Rhone blending as well as an interesting varietal on its own,” Marilyn said.

“I [Marilyn]  have been Membership Chair for the San Diego County Vintners Association since 2006 or 2007 and became Secretary for SDCVA just a few years later.  I was membership chair, secretary and the coordinator of the Daily Wine Tasting that SDCVA hosts every open day of the San Deigo County Fair,” Marilyn said. 

“Steve has been the Education Chair for SDCVA for several years promoting winemaking, grape growing, and general wine education within the organization; he has also been responsible for the demonstration vineyard and annual garden show exhibit at the San Digo County Fair. He has also been both Director and Alternate Director for the Southern California District of the Wine Institute; this is the main wine industry advocacy group for the California wine industry with over 30 representatives across the US and international markets ensuring wine-friendly governmental policies, taxes and fees, and promoting the California Wine brand,” Marilyn said.

Steven Kahle on a Winemaker panel

We also like to give back to our community.  Woof’n Rose participates in many local wine events that help to educate the general public that there is a growing wine industry in San Diego County.  We also support several charities such as the Burn Institute, our son, Ehren, is a fire captain and we sponsor a car from his station in the Firefighter’s Demolition Derby every year at the San Diego County Fair;  We also provide auction items to the Children’s Hospital, Humane Society and provide wine for the Ramona Humane Society fundraisers, plus all TIPS given by our customers are donated to and divided between Shelter to Soldier and First Responder Therapy Dogs.

We hope to continue as long as we can. Mother Nature is still the boss! Steve is a wonderful winemaker!

Marilyn and Steve Kahle, owners and winemaker (Steve) for Woof ‘n Rose Winery in Ramona came to San Diego in 1987. They purchased a property on five acres in Ramona, a small town east of San Diego.

“Our wine journey began as a landscaping project in 1995. With five acres of property which was essentially burnable brush, we decided to clear a small portion of our property and plant a few grapes to see if they would grow and if it would be something we would enjoy. The grapes grew and we did seem to enjoy it, so we planted more grapes, eventually planting a total of nine varietals,” Marilyn Kahle said.
Woof ‘n Rose Award-Winning Wines

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